Monday 26 May 2008

Worried about daughter one

Today, I suddenly got worried that daughter 1 was taking drugs.

I know she has taken drugs, both weed (which is what you have to call it now) and cocaine. But not much, I have always believed. It's the boys in her group who mainly take the drugs and most of her girlfriends don't. They drink instead, but that's another story.

Today though, I wondered if drugs were behind her recent inability to do any work.

Her A levels are in a week. And yet every opportunity she has to do some revision, she uses to watch one of the endless stream of US soap operas she follows. And if she isn't watching TV, she is on the phone. The sound of her walking up and down the stairs with a portable plugged to her ear is one of the top irritations of my life at the moment.

She says she knows what she is doing. She's done well up to now without working overly hard (which is true) and I should trust her to do it again.

She may be right. Then again, she may be pushing the limits too far this time.

And of course, she may be taking drugs.

Time will tell.

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